Hey welcome! ツ

Hi yourshoppingdelight-s shoppers! This web page is mainly overseas preorders.
For your kpop desires, here.

Interested? Send in your orders at Order Form

Regarding supplies, here.

Email: yourshoppingdelights@hotmail.com

Orders sent on every Monday 2359hrs but provided it reach cappings.

Waiting Time: Is depends on which one you chose for shipping it over (Eg: Sea/Air)


Waiting Time for Sea shipping: 1month.

Waiting Time for Air shipping: 2weeks.

Sea and Air cost are different. Please read each of the overseas preorder posts clearly!

How the sequence works.

Send orders and payments to our supplier -> Supplier receives our orders and payments -> Supplier will then pack and ship our items to our house.


xx, yourshoppingdelights's.


Follow us for latest updates! Twitter and Facebook

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Order Form ツ

Please fill out the following fields:

Email to: yourshoppingdelights@hotmail.com
Bank Transfer to: POSB SAVINGS 401-17778-7
  • Name:
  • Contact No.:
  • Payment Mode (Meetup[depends]/Bank Transfer) :
  • Collection Mode (Meetup/Normal Postage/ Registered Postage) :
  • Address if you opt for Postage:
  • Item #1: (name of the item) Quanity: Price:  Colour(if there is):  //  Item #2: (name of the item) Quanity: Price:  Colour(if there is): 
  • Total Amount (We'll double check if it's correct amount) : 

xx, yourshoppingdelights's.

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